Company: Vodní a saunový svět s.r.o.
Registered office: Malletova 2350/6, Prague, postcode: 190 00
Business ID number: 053 47 092
Entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal court in Prague under file ref. C 262271
Establishment: Wellness Infinit Step
Address: Malletova 2350/6, Prague, postcode: 190 00
(hereinafter the “Operator”)
The Visitor Rules are binding on all visitors to the Infinit Step wellness centre, which is a wellness centre operated by Infinit group companies.
The Visitor Rules set out the basic rights and obligations of visitors and the safety rules for the operation of the Infinit Step wellness centre (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Infinit” or the “Wellness Centre”). Every visitor is obliged to follow these visitor rules. The visitor rules are published on the website: and available at the Wellness Centre’s reception.
The visitor rules are divided into two parts:
Part I - General Part - regulates the general rights and duties of visitors to Infinit, and Part II – Section Part - sets out special rights and duties of visitors to individual facilities (sauna world, water world, the sports centre, swimming school, children’s corner). Part I and Part II inseparably comprise the visitor rules.
Instruction for clients of water world/relaxation pools and public whirlpools
Instructions for clients of steam cabin and sauna
Instructions for clients of sauna world
Instructions for clients of the sports center
Instructions for swimming school clients
Instructions for children’s corner clients
Instructions for clients of short-term leases of swimming lanes
- Every visitor to the Infinit Wellness Centre (hereinafter a “Client”) is obliged to familiarise themselves with these visitor rules (hereinafter the “Rules”) and to properly observe them throughout their visit being in the Wellness Centre is conditional on compliance with these Rules. Furthermore, he/she is obliged to respect and follow the warnings and instructions of Infinit employees. By entering the Infinit centre, a Client agrees to the provisions of these Rules and undertakes to follow the instructions of Infinit staff. In the event of non-compliance with the Rules or non-compliance with the instructions of Infinit employees, a Client may be expelled from the Infinit Centre without the possibility of a refund of the admission price; in the event of non-compliance with a request to leave, a Client may be expelled with the assistance of the Municipal Police or the Police of the Czech Republic.
- A Client has the option to park his/her vehicle in the unguarded parking lot located in front of the Infinit centre or in a guarded/covered parking lot for a fee (the price of the fee is governed by the parking lot operator’s settings). Infinit is not the manager or operator of the parking lots located in front of Infinit centres and is not liable for any damage to vehicles.
- Clients arrive at Infinit via the reception desk located at the main entrance; hotel guests can use the connecting corridor leading from the hotel to arrive.
- Clients are only allowed to enter the relevant Infinit premises during opening hours. Information about opening hours can be found on the entry door when entering the Wellness Centre or is provided by staff at Infinit reception.
At Infinit reception, a Client orders the requested service, the receptionist confirms to the Client whether the requested service is available and accepts the Client’s order for the service by issuing an electronic chip on a wristband (hereinafter a “Chip Watch”). Access to individual services is conditional on the issuance of a Chip Watch, which must be carried by a Client at all times during the provision of the service. At the end of a visit, a Client returns the Chip Watch to reception and pays for the activity/service he/she has used, including consumption. In addition, a Client may be provided with a towel, sheet or bathrobe at reception, depending on the type of service provided. A Chip Watch is the Operator’s property and loss is subjectable to a fee.
- Chip Watches are used to lock a locker and lock a safe for valuables, to enter through a turnstile, and to record services and consumption in the Infinit centre.
Clients are obliged to store valuables (cash, personal documents, mobile phones, electronics, jewellery, watches, car keys and other valuables) exclusively in the safes located in the Infinit reception area. Safes can also be locked with the chip that is used to both enter and lock a locker. Infinit will not be liable for valuables stored outside the space intended for their storage (safes).
- A Client leaves the reception and goes the ladies’ or men’s changing rooms.
- Before entering a locker room, a Client is required to take off his/her shoes (use shoe covers if Infinit requires it) and take the shoes with him/her to the locker room and place them in a locker. Infinit is not liable for shoes stored outside lockers. In the wellness facility, a Client is barefoot or wears clean beach shoes. There is an increased risk of slipping throughout the Wellness Centre, so a Client is required to move slowly to prevent injury to themselves and other Clients. We recommend wearing beach shoes with non-slip soles, which can also be purchased at the Wellness Centre’s reception.
- A Client chooses an available locker, undresses, places his/her personal belongings and shoes in it, and locks the locker. Each locker is equipped with a chip lock. When a Chip Watch is placed in the centre of the lock/control light, a locker is automatically unlocked or locked. A Client attaches a Chip Watch to his/her wrist like a watch, thus preventing its loss.
- When leaving the changing rooms after the end of a visit to Infinit, a Client puts on his/her shoes after the changing rooms at reception.
- In case of a loss of personal belongings, client is obliged to report this fact to infinit reception, where the lost item will be entered in the lost and found book, including the necessary information about the client. If the lost item is found, client will be notified of the item's discovery without unnecessary delays. The item will be stored at infinit reception for 14 days, during which the owner can pick it up. After this time the found items will be disposed of.
- In the interests of safety, a Client is obliged to follow the instructions of a lifeguard, receptionist or other Infinit employee.
- A Client is obliged to immediately report an accident, injury, nausea or other health problem requiring first aid, if his/her health condition allows it, and an accident, injury or health problem of another Client to a lifeguard, receptionist or other Infinit employee, who will arrange treatment or medical assistance (including calling the Ambulance Service), as necessary.
- Accidents, injuries and other medical conditions requiring first aid are recorded in the “Accident Book” by a lifeguard, receptionist or other Infinit employee.
- A first aid kit is available at the lifeguard station.
- Infinit is entitled to refuse entry to the Infinit premises to a Client who has previously violated the operational safety rules.
- Infinit is entitled to change the opening hours, price lists and service offerings at any time.
- Prices for services are published on the Infinit website and in the price list at reception.
- Clients can send comments on the operation of Infinit to the following e-mail address:
2.1 Client’s General Rights and Duties
- If a Client takes photographs and videos in the Infinit centre, he/she is obliged to use them exclusively for private purposes. Without the consent of other persons, unless there is a lawful reason or express consent to do so, he/she will not make an audio or visual recording of private matters, use such recordings, disseminate such recordings or invade another person’s privacy.
- Bringing mobile phones into saunas is not allowed. In other areas it’s allowed to use mobile phones with consideration of other clients, on the condition that making loud calls and having a loud ringtone switched on is prohibited.
- If a Client is not satisfied with a service provided, he/she has the right to contact Infinit reception or write an e-mail to:
- If a Client discovers any defect in the Infinit centre, he/she is obliged to immediately report the defect to reception. He/she is also obliged to notify Infinit of violations of the Rules by other Clients.
- Changing of children is only allowed on the changing tables in the women’s and men’s changing rooms and the pool toilet. Breastfeeding is allowed in Infinit except in the steam room, whirlpools, bathtubs, relaxation pool, saunas and swimming pool (in water).
2.2 Liability for Damage to Client’s Property or Health
- The only places designated for storing belongings are lockers in the changing rooms and safes at Infinit reception. Only the safes at reception are designated places for storing cash, valuables, personal documents, mobile phones, jewellery, watches, car keys and other valuables. Shelves located at the entrance to saunas or swimming pools are not designated for storing valuables (jewellery, watches, glasses, etc.). A Client is obliged to properly observe these rules for depositing items in the designated places.
- Each Client is responsible for properly storing his/her belongings in a locker/safe and locking it properly. Infinit shall not be liable for loss, theft or damage to items left by a Client outside the designated storage areas, i.e. lockers in the changing rooms or safes. Each Client is obliged to keep an eye on his/her belongings at all times while visiting Infinit.
- A Client must not put a Chip Watch down anywhere; Infinit is not liable for damage caused by the loss of a chip.
- Each Client is obliged to behave in a disciplined manner on the Infinit premises and to avoid actions that endanger the safety of themselves and third parties. A Client acknowledges that sports and relaxation activities are carried out exclusively at his/her own risk and that Infinit is not liable for damages, injuries and accidents caused by Clients themselves by their own actions, failure to comply with these Rules or failure to follow the instructions of Infinit employees, nor for injuries caused to Clients by other Clients. Infinit recommends that all Clients consider health risks before engaging in sports and relaxation activities and consult a physician if necessary.
- A Client shall be liable for damage to Infinit’s property caused by his/her intentional or negligent acts/omissions and shall compensate Infinit for such damage without undue delay.
- Any damage to property or health will be properly investigated and recorded by Infinit. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances of a case, the Municipal Police or the Police of the Czech Republic will be called, or the ambulance service, the fire brigade, etc. will be called. Injuries are recorded by Infinit in each establishment’s accident book.
- A Client can complain about goods and products purchased in the Infinit centre in case of defects at any reception. Complaints are governed by the Complaint Rules, which are available at reception and on the website.
2.3 Prohibitions of Client Access to Infinit Premises
- Clients who obviously have the symptoms of acute illness (fever, colds, coughing, diarrhoea, etc.), communicable respiratory tract infections, as well as persons who are infected with sores and scabies, persons suffering from diseases manifested by skin rashes or warts, persons with open, festering or bleeding wounds, and persons who are bacterial carriers of intestinal diseases, suffer from infectious diseases, as well as their family members, are not allowed to enter the Infinit premises. In addition, persons in quarantine and persons who have an infection or communicable disease in their household or surroundings may not enter.
- Persons under the influence of alcohol (intoxicated persons) and other narcotic and psychotropic substances are not allowed to enter the Infinit Wellness Centre. The Wellness Centre’s personnel (Infinit staff and employees) are entitled to refuse entry to persons under the influence of alcohol or other narcotic and psychotropic substances to the Wellness Centre’s premises, or to expel such persons from the Wellness Centre’s premises without refunding the entrance fee. If necessary, Infinit can call for assistance from the Police of the Czech Republic.
- Animals are not allowed on Infinit’s premises.
- Children under the age of 15 may only enter Infinit’s premises when accompanied by a person over the age of 18; such person is obliged to ensure the safety of the person accompanied and is responsible for the minor throughout the visit to Infinit. Infinit will not be liable for any injury to a child caused by an adult’s inattention.
- Minors over 15 years of age may use the services of the water world (access to the pools) and the wellness facilities without being accompanied by a person over 18 years of age, and are obliged to respect these Rules and the lifeguard’s instructions. Infinit is entitled to check a Client’s ID card for the purpose of age verification and a Client is obliged to present his/her ID card at reception upon request.
- Children under 3 years of age are expressly forbidden from entering the sauna world.
2.4 The following is strictly forbidden in all Infinit areas:
- Bringing any weapons onto Infinit grounds and premises, including scale models or imitations of weapons, as well as explosive substances, flammables, fireworks and other dangerous objects that could cause damage to health or property of Infinit or other persons.
- Behaving noisily (especially in the saunas), disturbing other Clients or staff with actions and behaviour, or otherwise disturbing persons around oneself.
- Violating the rules associated with the demarcation of areas (individual sections of the wellness area) for different types of clothing (swimsuit or sheet zone and the rule of silence in quiet zones); shouting, running, whistling, calling for help without reason, jumping into the water including jumping from the side of a pool (whirlpool, private bath, cooling pool), pushing other persons into the water, ducking each other, intentionally splashing and harassing other Clients or in any way endangering Infinit’s operations.
- Urinating, spitting, emptying one’s nose and mouth in the water or in any way dirtying the pool water or the water in a whirlpool, private bath or cooling pool; throwing objects into the water that could endanger/damage other Clients.
- Washing laundry and other items, except for washing swimwear with soap or shampoo in the shower areas.
- Using own beauty products in the swimming pool, whirlpool, private baths and cooling pool.
- Using soap, shampoo and other toiletries outside the shower, changing rooms and drying areas.
- Being covered in cream or ointment before entering the swimming pools, whirlpools, private baths and cooling pools.
- Using own swimming aids (swimming fins, monofins, swimming paddles and others) with the exception of using these aids in the swimming lanes at the specified times for fitness swimming.
- Moving around the water world, sauna world and private areas in dirty clothes, dirty shoes or dirty swimwear.
- Consuming own food, smoking (including electronic cigarettes), consuming own alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, bringing bags, backpacks and other luggage onto the premises. In the event of a breach of this prohibition, non-permitted beverages, food and other items will be confiscated and placed in the wellness reception and returned at the end of a visit. In the event that beverages and food are not collected, such confiscated items will be disposed of without compensation the same day immediately after closing time.
- Moving or otherwise tampering with swings, sun loungers and tables in the relaxation zones and other furniture throughout the premises, tampering with technical equipment (heating, wiring, etc.) or intentionally destroying Infinit’s property.
- Using and abusing narcotic and psychotropic substances, dirtying the premises in any way.
- Remaining in Infinit’s premises outside business hours.
- Using rescue equipment and first aid items without authorisation.
- Entering areas marked as no-entry and areas designated for authorised persons only (machine room, cleaning rooms, Infinit staff rooms, etc.).
- Wasting water and energy unnecessarily.
- It is strictly forbidden in front of the building and in the Infinit wellness area to:
- Park cars and motorcycles in places other than designated areas.
- Enter with bicycles, use roller skates, scooters, skateboards and similar means of transport.
- Park bicycles in front of the building outside the designated area.
- Dirty the area in front of the building, destroy green space, throw stones and move around in the planted green space.
- Carry out commercial activities (coaching, making advertising videos, etc.) without the Operator’s prior written consent.
- Require the service provider’s employees to do anything contrary to these Rules or their job description.
- . Enter the changing rooms, showers and swimming pool area in shoes. Be present in the swimming pool area in clothing. (except for a person accompanying a child to the Zona v pohybu Swim School, who is allowed to enter the water world in clean clothes that he/she changed into in the changing rooms).
- Enter departments or places designated for persons of a different sex, except for children under 10 years of age and teachers accompanying school groups of pupils in the first stage of primary school and kindergarten children.
- Bring chemicals that may cause a fire or endanger the health of others onto the premises.
- Disobey the instructions of Infinit employees or their admonitions.
- In the event of non-compliance with the aforementioned rules, a Client will be banned from Infinit’s premises without any right to a refund of the admission fee; if necessary, the Police of the Czech Republic will be called to help.
- Expulsion from Infinit’s premises does not reduce a right to compensation for damage incurred by Infinit or a third party for a violation of the aforementioned rules.
CLIENTS’ SPECIAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES IN INDIVIDUAL OPERATIONS (sauna world, water world, sports centre, swim school, children’s corner)
Water depth in the indoor pool: 1,2 – 1,6 metres
Water depth in the infant pool: 1,1 metres
Water depth in the whirlpool: 0,7 metres
Water depth in the cooling pool: 1,25 metres
3.1 General Instructions
- Some Infinit sports and relaxation activities (hereinafter the “Activities”) can be booked in person, by telephone or online. Admission can be paid in cash at the entrance reception or by paying a deposit, i.e. by charging an Infinit loyalty card. A loyalty card must be loaded with a minimum amount of money (deposit) set by the Operator, which can only be spent through the use of Activities in Infinit Wellness Centres. The terms and benefits of the loyalty programme are published on the website or available at Infinit reception. A loyalty card with credit provides a Client with a discount on Activities determined by the Operator. Services can also be paid for using credit cards, the Flexi Pass CARD or Edenred Benefits card. Infinit also accepts the Relax Pass, Focus Pass, Gift Pass, Flexi Pass, Unišeky, Unišeky+, Edenred Multi, Edenred Sport and Culture, Edenred Compliments, as well as gift vouchers, and payment can be made through the BENEFITY or BENEFIT PLUS Cafeteria or through an employer. We also offer discounts to Multisport card holders and Active Pass holders.
- If a Client chooses to pay for a service with a gift voucher, the voucher must be presented in paper form or electronic form (the only valid electronic form is an e-voucher, it’s not possible to submit a voucher only photographed in any electronic form), contain a code and be valid. Services cannot be provided in return for a lost or expired voucher.
- Every Infinit Client using the services of individual operations is obliged to unconditionally observe the provisions of these Rules and the instructions of Infinit employees.
- The use of devices that create a stream of water (spouts, waterfalls) is allowed for clients under 15 years of age only when accompanied by a person over 18 years of age; this person is obliged to take care of the safety of the accompanied person and is responsible for the minor during the entire visit of Infinit.
- A receptionist has the right to refuse entry to additional Clients when the capacity of a particular service is full or to persons who are not allowed to enter in accordance with the Rules.
- In exceptional cases, Infinit may set aside hours for other purposes and events or training of athletes. Such change will be announced in time.
- Clients are allowed to consume alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages purchased at Infinit (hereinafter referred to as “Beverages”) in designated areas while using Infinit, subject to the following conditions:
- Beverages are consumed from plastic cups, which are placed on the prepared tables or in stands in the pools and whirlpools;
- Alcoholic Beverages will not be sold to persons under 18 years of age;
- persons who are obviously under the influence of alcohol will be immediately escorted from Infinit’s premises without refund of the entrance fee;
- Infinit is not liable for damage to health and property caused in direct connection with the consumption of Beverages;
- Infinit reserves the right to regulate and limit the sale of alcoholic Beverages in an Infinit Centre as follows: a maximum of three alcoholic Beverages per person per two hours may be sold to a Wellness Centre Client. For this purpose, a single alcoholic serving is defined as one alcoholic mixed Beverage, max. 0.2 litres of wine/sparkling wine or max. 0.5 litres of beer. After two hours, i.e. every hour thereafter, only one alcoholic Beverage per hour per person may be sold to a Client.
- Infinit Centre staff will be entitled to refuse to sell an alcoholic Beverage to a Client only on the basis of their own discretion, taking into account the safety of the Client and other Infinit centre Clients; staff will be entitled to refuse to sell an alcoholic Beverage to persons accompanying a Client or visiting an Infinit centre together with a Client who has been refused an alcoholic Beverage.
3.2 Instructions for Clients of Water World/Relaxation Pools and Public Whirlpool
- Entry into the water world is conditional on a Client’s health, which should be discussed with his/her attending physician, especially Clients suffering from high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system. A Client is obliged to comply with the general rules regarding health condition in accordance with Art. 2.3.1 (Part I of these Rules).
- Before entering the water world/relaxation pools and whirlpools, Clients are required to use the toilet and shower for hygienic reasons. In the showers, they properly wash themselves with soap and shower without swimwear using warm water. If a Client wants to wet his/her hair in the pool, he/she is obliged to wash it with shampoo before entering the pool or use a swimming cap. In addition, Clients are required to remove make-up.
- Entry to the pools and whirlpools is only possible in swimwear. Bathing in full-body swimwear, clothing or underwear is prohibited.
- Swimming lane number 1 (closest to the shore, 1st on the left from the reception), is designated for sports and fitness swimming outside the times reserved for swim school.
- Swimming lane number 2 (second from the shore, 2nd on the left from the reception), is designated for sports and fitness swimming from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Mon-Fri.
- Swimming lane number 3 (second from the shore, 3rd on the left from the reception), is designated for relaxation swimming and leisure activities for families and children.
- The lifeguard station is located in Water world, behind the turnstiles on the left side.
- Clients entering the outdoor areas of the Infinit centre should note that stinging insects are more prevalent during the spring and summer seasons. In case of allergies or other health problems, taking extra care is recommended.
- Consuming food in the pool and whirlpool areas is strictly forbidden.
- Being noisy, throwing a ball and knocking other people into the pool is forbidden.
- Calling for help without serious cause, using rescue aids and first aid room equipment without a reason is forbidden.
- Using scuba diving equipment during the hours reserved for public swimming is forbidden (it may be exceptionally allowed with the lifeguard’s approval).
- Spitting in the water, emptying one’s nose and mouth into the water, urinating in the pool, littering or in any way dirtying Infinit’s premises is forbidden.
- Arbitrarily changing the direction of the water flow from the spouts (preventing the free flow of water from the spouts in any way) is forbidden.
- Bringing in any glass or sharp objects that endanger the safety of visitors is forbidden.
- Depths in the pool are clearly marked. Non-swimmers may only swim in deep water with the use of adequate buoyancy aids and accompanied by an adult, who assumes responsibility for the non-swimmer’s safety.
- Visitors may use the jumping facilities (starting blocks) only with the consent and supervision of an authorised person.
- For safety reasons, jumping from the long sides of the pool and the raised edges of the pools is prohibited.
- Wheelchair access is only allowed with special wheelchair wheel covers, which are put on just before entering the pool area or after disinfecting wheelchair wheels. Entry with a child car seat is allowed only after prior cleaning with disinfectant located at the changing tables in the changing rooms.
3.3 Instructions for steam room and sauna Clients
- Entry to a steam room is subject to a Client’s health, which should be discussed with his/her attending physician. It is not recommended that persons suffering from high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system use a steam room. A Client is also obliged to comply with the general rules of entry regarding health in accordance with Art. 2.3.1 (Part I of these Rules).
- Before entering a steam room, each Client is obliged to wash with soap and take a shower with warm water. In addition, a Client is required to shower after each cycle and before using the cooling pools and ponds.
- We recommend sitting on a towel or sheet in a steam room.
- The recommended length of stay for an adult free of health problems is 20 minutes in the steam room and 8-13 minutes in the sauna, with a maximum of 4 consecutive cycles.
- Consuming Beverages or food in the steam room area is strictly forbidden.
- Standing on the benches, blocking the steam in any way, approaching and touching the mouth of the steam generator is forbidden in a steam room (there is an acute risk of scalding for a Client).
- In the saunas, Clients are forbidden from increasing the humidity in any way, waving a towel, performing a sauna ceremony or using branches for whipping.
- Furthermore, Clients are strictly forbidden from pouring their own essences, essential oils or other mixtures into the sauna stove or throwing anything on the stove. Pouring anything on the salt stones in the Salt Sauna is forbidden.
- Bringing in or consuming any food, Beverages or chewing gum in the saunas is forbidden.
- Using of scrubs, coffee and other pollutants is forbidden in the saunas. Only natural vegetable oils and honey are allowed, after properly covering the body with a sheet or towel.
- Clients are not allowed to use the sauna equipment in any way, except for the SOS safety button.
Entry to the sauna is only permitted without shoes.
3.4 Instructions for Sauna World Clients
- Entry to the sauna world is subject to a Client’s health, which should be discussed with his/her attending physician. It is not recommended that persons suffering from high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system use the sauna. A Client is also obliged to comply with the general rules of entry regarding health in accordance with Art. 2.3.1 (Part I of these Rules).
- Before entering the saunas for the first time, each Client is required to wash with soap and shower with warm water. Furthermore, a Client is obliged to shower after each sauna cycle and before using the cooling pool.
- Swimwear and footwear may not be worn in the saunas. Each Client has one towel and one sheet included in the price of admission to the saunas. Additional sheet or towel rental is charged in accordance with the current price list.
- In the saunas, a Client is required to sit on a towel or sheet.
- The recommended length of stay in the saunas for an adult free of health problems is 8-13 minutes, with a maximum of 4 consecutive cycles.
- In the saunas, Clients are forbidden from increasing the humidity in any way, waving a towel, performing a sauna ceremony or using branches for whipping.
- Furthermore, Clients are strictly forbidden from pouring their own essences, essential oils or other mixtures into the sauna stove or throwing anything on the stove. Pouring anything on the salt stones in the Salt Sauna is forbidden.
- Bringing in or consuming any food, Beverages or chewing gum in the saunas is forbidden.
- Using of scrubs, coffee and other pollutants is forbidden in the saunas. Only natural vegetable oils and honey are allowed, after properly covering the body with a sheet or towel.
- Clients are not allowed to use the sauna equipment in any way, except for the SOS safety button.
- A Client should arrive on time for a sauna ceremony; once a sauna ceremony has started, it is no longer possible to enter a ceremonial sauna. Sauna ceremonies are not designated for children under 7 years of age.
- Clients should not disturb other Clients at ceremonies. In case of repeated admonition of a Client by the sauna master, the sauna master may ban the Client from a ceremony.
- The sauna master may decide to exclude all children from a ceremony or, if he/she sees a restless child during a ceremony, he/she may ask the parents to leave the particular ceremony, including the child.
- Clients are not allowed to use massage brushes and massage cloths during a sauna ceremony. In the other saunas, the use of these aids is permitted with respect to other Clients. A Client using such tools must take into account hygiene and possible dirtying of the sauna and other Clients.
3.5 Instructions for Sport Centre Clients
- The sports hall consists of indoor courts (squash, badminton, tennis and table tennis) and outdoor courts, which are located in a pressurised hall in the winter season.
- The staff at reception are authorised to designate a court for a Client to play on.
- Entry to the sports hall and outdoor courts is only allowed in clean footwear suitable for a specific sport. Only indoor shoes with white soles are allowed on the squash courts. In disputed cases, the decision of Infinit employees is binding on a Client.
- Only two players are allowed on the squash courts at a time. Wearing safety goggles during a game to prevent eye injuries is recommended. Using of protective goggles is compulsory for children and young people in accordance with the regulations of the Czech Squash Association.
- Clients of these sports facilities are advised that lights at the sports facilities may be switched off 5 minutes after the end of the sports Activity booked. So Clients should take care of their own safety.
- When performing individual sporting Activities, a Client is obliged to observe the general principles of safety and the rules of the game, and to avoid playing in such a way that could cause injury to themselves or third parties, and which could damage or destroy the facilities and equipment of the sports hall or outdoor tennis courts.
3.6 Instructions for Swim School Clients
Operator: Plavecká škola Praha a Brno s.r.o. with registered office: Malletova 2350, 190 00, Prague 9, IN: 24242144, VAT ID: CZ24242144.
Establishment: Vodní a saunový svět s.r.o. in the premises of Infinit Step, Malletova 2350, 190 00, Praha 9.
ARTICLE 1. Introductory provisions
Children’s swimming operational safety regulations at Zona v pohybu swim school are an addendum to the Infinit Step’s Operating and Visitor rules, resp. the part relating to Water and sauna world, operated by company Vodní a saunový svět s.r.o. and every visitor is obliged to conduct themselves in the Water and sauna world in accordance with these regulations. Furthermore, visitors are obliged to respect and follow warnings and instructions of the trainor/instructor and other employees of Water and sauna world. By entering the Water and sauna world visitors voluntarily submit to the provisions of these regulations, the instructions of the trainer/instructor and employees of Water and sauna world.
In the event of non-compliance with these rules or disobeying the instructions of the trainer/instructor or other employees of Water and sauna world, course participants may be expelled from Water and sauna world without the possibility of returning the entrance fee; if the call to leave is not obeyed, the course participant will be expelled with the help of the Municipal police or Police of the Czech Republic.
Water and sauna world obliges each participant to inform the trainer/instructor before the start of the lesson about their health problems, such as epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, heart and blood vessel disease, spine disease, high blood pressure and pregnancy. If he fails to do so and complications or aggravation of the condition occur during the exercise/ as a result of the exercise, Water and sauna world is not responsible for the resulting damage to health. If the trainer/instructor evaluates that it’s possible to complete the exercise with the health problem reported to him, the participant will be shown and explained a suitable exercise alternative; the participant is then obliged to follow his instructions. Parents are obliged to take care of their children’s safety during the entire visit of Water and sauna world. Water and sauna world is not responsible for any possible injury of a child.
ARTICLE 2. Instructions for course participants
Before the start of every course, parents are informed about the purpose, methodology and organization of the course, principles of hygiene and safety measures.
By joining the course, parents agree to the terms and conditions of the swim school. The swim school registers the course participant in an online system, to which the child’s parent have access. This registration entitles the participant to enter the course.
1.The parents report to the reception upon arrival, where they will be given a chip watch, which is to be returned to the reception after the end of the course when leaving the locker room.
2.The parent and their child arrive to the locker room at least half an hour before the beginning of the lesson, to ensure enough time for preparation and thorough hygiene before entering the pool.
3.In the areas of women’s and men’s changing rooms and showers, there’s an area singled out, where changing counters, a diaper trash can, a breastfeeding area and a crib are available.
4.When using the changing table, the parent will use their own towel to place the child on.
5.As a precaution, parents encourage their children to use the toilet.
6.The parent and child then go to the shower area. In the showers, they wash themselves properly with soap and shower with warm water without swimwear. If the client wants to soak his hair in the swimming pool, he’s obliged to wash it with shampoo or use a swimming cap before entering the pool. Parents are also obliged to remove their make-up.
7.Each child must use their own swimming trunks with a tight elastic band around the legs or a diaper designed for water use. Both parent and child’s swimwear must be thoroughly washed before each lesson.
8.During the course, the built-in whirlpool is designated only for participants of the children’s swimming of Zona v pohybu swim course.
9.After the lesson, parents always properly wash, dry and wrap their child in a dry towel. There is also the possibility to use the steam cabin and the Sauna on the water with the child. They then go to the dressing rooms.
10.Parents and children with diseases, that could infect and harm other clients of Water and sauna world, i.e. people with dust mites, bugs and lice, with skin rashes, warts, infectious diseases and inflammations, purulent and open wounds, people with colds and bacillus carriers are forbidden to access the course. Furthermore people in quarantine, who have an infection or transmissible disease in their household or surroundings.
11.During the duration of the course, there may be changes or modifications to the course due to different proficiency and advancement of the children or due to de-registration of a larger number of participants.
12.During the lesson, the participants respect the instructions of the trainer/instructor and the employees of Water and sauna world.
ARTICLE 3. Swimming courses for preschool children from the age of 3 without parents at Zona v pohybu swim school
Water depth in the indoor pool: 120-160 cm
Children’s age: 3-15 years
Water temperature: 30 degrees Celsius
Lesson duration: 40 min + 5 min administration
Number of children in the lesson: 6-10 children = 1 instructor, 11-15 children = 2 instructors
The children are divided into groups according to swimming skills and age
The instructors are graduates of courses accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
ARTICLE 4. Instructions for course participants without parents
1.The parents report to the reception upon arrival, where they will be given a chip watch, which is to be returned to the reception after the end of the course when leaving the locker room.
2.The parent arrives with the child to the locker room early to help him with a thorough hygiene and changing into a swimsuit.
3.As a precaution, parents encourage their children to use the toilet.
4.After that, the parent and the child go to the shower area, where the child is thoroughly washed with soap and warm water without a swimsuit. It’s necessary to wash the hair with a shampoo or to use a swimming cap.
5.The child enters the pool in a swimsuit that must be thoroughly washed before each lesson.
6.After a thorough hygiene, the parent and the child enter the area in front of the turnstiles 5 minutes before the start of the lesson. The parent is obliged to wait for the arrival of the instructor, who will pick up the entire group of children on time. It’s not possible for the child to be left unattended here.
7.A clothed parent doesn’t enter the pool are behind the turnstiles, unless he intends to use the pool as a customer. In that case, he performs a thorough hygiene in the shower areas and then changes into a swimsuit, which is washed before each visit to the pool.
8.All necessary equipment for the swimming course will be lent to the children by the instructor during the lesson, at his discretion.
9.The parent is obliged to pick up their child at the end of the course in front of the turnstiles, where the children are brought by the instructor immediately after the 45 minutes of the course.
10.Water and sauna world has no responsibility for the child if the parent doesn’t show up for their child on time.
11.During the duration of the course, there may be changes or modifications to the course due to different proficiency and advancement of the children or due to de-registration of a larger number of participants.
12.Parents and children with diseases, that could infect and harm other clients of Water and sauna world, i.e. people with dust mites, bugs and lice, with skin rashes, warts, infectious diseases and inflammations, purulent and open wounds, people with colds and bacillus carriers are forbidden to access the course. Furthermore people in quarantine, who have an infection or transmissible disease in their household or surroundings.
13.During the lesson, the participants respect the instructions of the trainer/instructor and the employees of Water and sauna world.
ARTICLE 5. Additional information
Only tools and toys that have been washed, properly disinfected, certified and approved by the Chief hygienist are used during the lessons.
Equipment disinfection is ensured by Zona v pohybu swim school instructors after each course. The tools are then stored in designated areas.
Before the beginning of each course, the instructor of Zona v pohybu swim school checks the water and air temperature.
If the course participant is accompanied by another person into the pool area, they are only allowed to enter with the prior consent of the Water and sauna world, in clean clothes (swimsuit/t-shirt and knee-length shorts) and after washing their feet.
3.7 Instructions for Children’s Corner Clients
- The children’s corner is located in the SPORTCENTRE building, next to the restaurant and provides child visitors with a space for children’s games in a clean and pleasant environment.
- The children’s corner is UNSUPERVISED. Children stay in the children’s corner free of charge.
- The children’s corner is designed for children aged 3 to 10 years. In case of doubt, an employee is entitled to ask a parent/responsible representative to prove a child’s age.
- Entrance to the children’s corner is only possible without shoes.
- Consuming food in the children’s corner is forbidden.
- Children may only use the children’s corner under the constant supervision of a parent/person over 18 years of age.
- A parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child is obliged to ensure the child’s safety during the entire visit to the children’s corner and bears all responsibility for any damage to a child’s health and for injuries.
- The Operator is not responsible for items left in the children’s corner.
- In the interests of the safety and health of children, children in the children’s corner must be healthy, free of infectious diseases, symptoms of acute illness, colds and minor health problems, so as not to endanger other children or other visitors. In the event of a finding of misconduct, a parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child is fully liable and the operator of the children’s corner is entitled to claim damages or make other claims as a result of misconduct.
- A parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child is obliged to familiarise himself/herself with these Rules and the instructions for the children’s corner Clients and to observe them throughout the visit to the children’s corner.
- By entering the children’s corner, a parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child confirms that he/she has been acquainted with the aforementioned Rules.
- A parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child is obliged to respect the notices and follow the staff’s instructions, observe the rules of good behaviour, and ensure order, cleanliness and safety.
- A parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child is obliged to immediately warn Infinit employees of any violation of the provisions of these Rules by another visitor, especially violations of the principles of child health and safety.
- Smoking and consumption of addictive substances are strictly prohibited in and around the children’s corner.
- A parent/person over 18 years of age accompanying a child will be liable for damage to Infinit property caused by his/her own intentional or negligent act/omission or an intentional or negligent act/omission of the child and will be obliged to compensate for such damage without undue delay.
- Rights and duties of Infinit employees:
- Ensure that all toys placed in the children’s corner are safe, properly washed, disinfected, meet the requirements of certificates and their use complies with all hygiene regulations.
- Ensure the cleanliness of toys placed in the children’s corner daily after business hours.
- Ensure that any damage to the property or health of a child or parent/responsible representative is recorded. Injuries are recorded in the injury book and damage to property in the damage book.
- Refuse entry of a child with food, a Beverage, a dangerous toy or other items that could endanger the safety of children.
- Refuse entry to a child with inappropriate or aggressive behaviour, or refuse entry due to a fully occupied children’s corner.
- At any time expel a parent/person over the age of 18 as an accompanying person for a child and a child from the children’s corner and the relaxation and sports centre if he/she violates the provisions of the Rules, disobeys a staff member’s instructions or violates the rules of good behaviour and endangers or restricts other Clients by his/her behaviour.
3.8 Instructions for Clients of Short-term Rentals of Swimming Lanes
- Rental participants will be admitted to the Infinit premises only with the use of a Chip Watch. Outside the hours reserved for paid lane rentals, such persons are not allowed; they are required to purchase a time ticket at the front desk and use the pool as a member of the public.
- For organised rentals with children, the changing rooms are accessible no earlier than 10 minutes before the start of the paid rental, and only in the presence of an adult who will ensure the children’s safety by constant supervision from the entrance to the changing rooms. It is unacceptable for participants in courses and rentals to be on the premises prior to the commencement of classes without the supervision of those responsible for their instruction or supervision.
- Infinit employees are not responsible for the safety of rental participants.
- Teaching supervisors or trainers (course leaders) are responsible for the safety of the participants in the rented lanes during teaching (training). They should be personally present when the participants leave the pool and are responsible for their safety in the showers and changing rooms. The supervision ends when the last participant leaves the changing rooms.
- Participants must leave the locker room area no later than 15 minutes after the end of the rental period.
Important Telephone Numbers:
150 - fire brigade
155 - ambulance service
158 - police
112 - emergency calls
Prague, 1 May 2023
Effective from 1 May 2023
For the Operator: Vodní and saunový svět, s.r.o.
First name and surname: Josef Vítovský, executive director